
How does the child always cough and vomit?

Lost youth
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First of all, if you have been coughing, and repeated acute attacks, and there is phlegm, sometimes accompanied by wheezing, it may be bronchitis or chronic bronchitis. Bronchitis usually occurs in winter. The early symptoms are mild, and the more delayed, the more serious. If not treated in time, it may also cause some other complications. Generally, it is caused by colds caused by cold. In addition to taking medicine, injection, infusion and other treatments, we also need to pay attention to daily conditioning. Two cups of ancient chamomile tea every day can help with the daily maintenance of bronchitis. The cough is most obvious in the morning, and there will be thick white foamy sputum, which is not easy to cough up. Finally, a very serious cough (that is, if cough is accompanied by coughing up blood) may be infected with tuberculosis. Therefore, children with colds and coughs should be very careful and treated in time.

Then there is the problem of vomiting, which may be caused by something wrong with the stomach. Often accompanied by diarrhea, hiccups and other symptoms. Vomiting caused by eating wrong things will not last for a long time. It is usually better to vomit once or twice, and will recover slowly. Therefore, if the child has vomiting, pay attention to the number of times of vomiting to determine whether it is caused by eating the wrong thing.

But vomiting has been bad for a day or two. If vomiting still has a cold, it may be caused by a cold in the stomach. The main symptoms are vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, and sometimes nausea and retching. If it is a cold in the stomach, we should pay attention to the conditioning and treatment of the stomach while treating the cold.

The other thing is that vomiting lasts for a long time and vomits everything. If you can't eat anything at all, it may be caused by gastritis (chronic gastritis). Some time ago, I myself vomited because of a cold for a day or two. I vomited everything I ate, which made me afraid to eat anything for a day. It was accompanied by dizziness and headache, but there was no diarrhea symptoms like conventional gastritis. However, it was diagnosed as chronic antritis by gastroscopy later, so we must pay more attention to persistent vomiting and go to the hospital in time for diagnosis. And chronic gastritis should not only be treated, the most important thing is to pay attention to nourishing the stomach at ordinary times. Just as the saying goes: Gastric diseases are cured in three cases and cured in seven cases. Therefore, if you have stomach disease, you must take good care of yourself. Otherwise, if it is serious, it may lead to gastric ulcer, gastric bleeding or even worse. People with stomach problems should pay attention to: don't drink, smoke, eat chili, don't eat fried food, barbecue bacon sausage. Try not to eat anything that is not fresh. Eat three meals on time. Avoid overeating. You can eat a meal until you are not hungry. And have a good attitude, don't be angry, don't stay up late. Do more things to make yourself happy, find happiness from small things, and develop the good habit of regular exercise. In addition, we should be cautious when eating health care products. We should eat less food containing preservatives, additives and pigments.

Lost youth 2024-05-09 14:59:45
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