
How to excel in basketball

The Sound of Nature
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Do you know how to excel in basketball? Let's have a look.

Operation method

First of all, we can choose to play basketball and play basketball separately. As the name suggests, that is, we can pass the basketball between the other side's legs and then go to the other side to catch the ball, which requires us to have a very quick reaction ability.

When we play basketball, we can also choose to use fake actions to fake the opponent's move. Generally, when we do this, we need to have a sideways and turning movement, and we need to cooperate with our upper and lower limbs and dribble well.

Playing basketball can also take the form of team cooperation. First, pretend that you want to drive the ball to the other side, and then pass the ball to your teammates unexpectedly, so that you can also achieve the effect of team cooperation.

Another way to play basketball is to make a strong breakthrough. This way requires us to have a strong frontal conflict, and the ability to pass with the ball requires us to be steady and fast.

The Sound of Nature 2024-05-24 05:50:25
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