
What to do with a newborn baby with bent legs

Silent Bear
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Now many families are basically a child. Parents pay special attention to their children. They will panic and worry about a little "abnormality" of their children. The newborn baby has slightly bent legs and is worried about whether it is an O leg or an X leg? Now let's talk about how to deal with leg bending of newborn babies?

Operation method

Understand the reason why the baby is curled up in the mother's body before birth. If the baby is just born, leg bending is a normal phenomenon, because the mother has been accustomed to bending. As the baby grows up, the phenomenon of leg bending will gradually ease when the baby is in a loose environment.

After being good at observing and understanding the causes of leg bending, Baoma should pay more attention to the baby's legs in the process of taking care of the baby in the future, and properly keep the baby in a straight state. Of course, do not fix the baby's legs, which is not conducive to the development of the baby's leg shape.

Timely supplement of calcium is indispensable for the growth and development of babies, especially for the development of bones. It is necessary to supplement some cod liver oil to promote calcium absorption for babies in a timely manner, and of course, it is not allowed to supplement too much. We must supplement calcium according to the doctor's advice.

Exercise and lighting should properly let the baby move more and keep proper lighting. Everything grows in the sun. Life depends on exercise, and so does the baby. This will promote the absorption of calcium, and the strength of the lower limbs will also be exercised, thus changing the leg shape.

If you are particularly worried about going to the hospital for inspection or haven't improved for a long time, it is recommended that you take your child to a professional hospital to have a look, so that you can not only ease the tension of Baoma and Baoda, but also identify the problem of the child as soon as possible. If there is a problem, you can also treat it as soon as possible.

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I hope I can help you in need!

Silent Bear 2024-05-19 01:38:30
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