
How to burn coal balls in a honeycomb briquette furnace

Elderly but not young
Favorable reply

Generally, honeycomb briquette furnaces burn honeycomb briquette, and of course, briquette can also be used

Operation method

First prepare what needs to be prepared

Then open the cover under the furnace, so that the furnace can be ventilated and more oxygen can enter, which is convenient for later ignition

Use a lighter to ignite the waste paper and throw the burning paper into the furnace. Remember to throw more paper, and then put the dry firewood into the furnace. Remember not to put the firewood in disorder. Put the firewood in a structured way, so that there is a gap between the firewood, so that the fire can burn quickly

After the firewood is burned, use a pair of tongs to put the coal ball in, preferably above the firewood, so that the coal ball will heat up faster

About half an hour will be like this

hot tip

Do not lower your hands into the furnace when the fire is high.

Be careful of children playing

Elderly but not young 2024-05-20 22:08:49
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