
How about drinking more coffee

Face with a smile
Favorable reply

The main substance of coffee is caffeine. After a cup of coffee, caffeine will be quickly absorbed by the stomach and enter the blood, and then reach all parts of the body to stimulate nerve substances and release them. Then, the body will also undergo a series of changes.

How about drinking more coffee

Benefits of 1 cup of coffee: 1 cup of coffee every day can keep arteries healthy and stabilize blood pressure. A cup of coffee every day can strengthen your brain power. Disadvantages: Caffeine needs 8 hours to be completely discharged from the body, so if you drink coffee after 3 or 4 p.m., it is easy to have sleep disorders.

Benefits of two cups of coffee: 200 milligrams of caffeine, equivalent to the content of two cups of coffee, can prevent memory loss and Alzheimer's disease. Drinking coffee 30 minutes before exercise will help improve performance. Disadvantages: If you are pregnant, you should take less than two cups of coffee, or you will increase the risk of miscarriage.

Benefits of 3 cups of coffee: 3 cups of coffee a day can reduce the risk of ovarian cancer for women by 1/5. Men who drink three cups a day have a 40% lower risk of gallstones. Disadvantages: 3 cups of coffee a day will increase the heart rate and slightly increase the blood pressure, which may increase the risk of heart attack.

Benefits of 4 cups of coffee: 4 cups of coffee contain about 400 mg of caffeine, which can reduce the risk of oral and laryngeal cancer by 39%. In addition, it can reduce the risk of colon cancer, breast cancer and type II diabetes. The downside: Four cups of coffee a day doubles the risk of rheumatoid arthritis.

Benefits of more than 5 cups: 5 cups of coffee a day can reduce the risk of liver damage by 3/4. Disadvantages: Caffeine interferes with calcium absorption, which will increase the risk of osteoporosis. Drinking too much will accelerate the loss of minerals and vitamins in the body. It also increases the risk of cardiovascular disease while raising high blood pressure.

What should I do if my teeth turn yellow after drinking coffee

Brush your teeth frequently. If the teeth turn yellow slightly, you can stick to brushing your teeth frequently. If the effect is not good, you need to see a dentist. You can seek the help of a professional dentist and use various bleaches with higher concentrations to make your teeth bright again, even whiter than before.

The principle of using tooth powder is the same as that of toothpastes, mainly through physical friction, it has little effect on the exogenous coloring, endogenous coloring, and aging tooth yellowing that penetrate into the enamel.

Tooth washing and polishing can effectively remove the external pigments and stones attached to the tooth surface through physical action, but it is generally unable to remove the coloration of enamel layer and endogenous coloration.

Face with a smile 2024-05-26 22:44:18
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