
5 Tips for Treating Cold

I am a cloud
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Operation method

Hot chicken soup materials: fresh chicken, ginger slices, panax notoginseng, a small root Codonopsis pilosula, red berries Xiaoxu, red dates, mushrooms Function: reduce cold symptoms, supplement nutrition.

Pang Dahai Material: Pang Dahai, sugar effect: reduce throat discomfort, clear lung and stop coughing

Ginger tea material: tea, ginger function: sweating, relieving superficiality, warming the lung and relieving cough, with remarkable effect on influenza, typhoid, cough, etc

Hot lemon drink with honey Material: lemon, honey Function: reduce runny nose and other symptoms, help cold patients recover

Radish juice material: fresh radish function: promote digestion, enhance appetite, speed up gastrointestinal peristalsis, and relieve cough and phlegm

Orange juice material: fresh orange juice function: rich in vitamin C, strengthen resistance, and have an auxiliary role in the treatment of colds

White gourd soup Material: white gourd, pepper, dried scallops Function: clearing away heat and toxin, facilitating urination

hot tip

The above are just some folk prescriptions. If the condition is serious, it is recommended to go to the hospital for treatment.

I am a cloud 2024-05-24 12:21:42
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Latest answers Change


Q: Why choose porcelain spoon instead of aluminum spoon when eating hot pot

Answer: This is a simple general knowledge of physics. Ceramics are not easy to heat transfer, so they will not be hot when used. The iron spoon or aluminum spoon is very good at heat transfer, so it is easy to hot when held. Generally, a table is equipped with a spoon and a leaky spoon as standard. Of course, guests can take more when they request. When eating hotpot food, the bottom fire of the hotpot must be strong to keep the soup boiling. If the food is not cooked, the bacteria and parasite eggs are not completely killed, which is easy to cause diseases.

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