
How to calculate the commercial loan interest rate of the second house

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Now many people have good economic conditions and stable incomes, so there may be more investment directions that you can think of to buy real estate. In order to control the price of housing, our country has issued a restriction order on second set of housing, that is, when purchasing second or more sets of housing, the loan interest rate will rise, Today, I will tell you how to calculate the second house loan.

How to calculate the commercial loan interest rate of the second house

1. Differentiated credit. Since January 2011, the State Council has required all financial institutions to implement differentiated credit for housing loans. For families (including borrowers, spouses and minor children, the same below) who purchase their first home with a building area of more than 90 square meters, the down payment ratio of loans should not be less than 30%;

2. For families who buy a second house with a loan, the down payment ratio of the loan shall not be less than 60%, and the loan interest rate shall not be less than 1.1 times the benchmark interest rate. For the purchase of a third house or more with a loan, the down payment ratio of the loan and the loan interest rate should be significantly increased, and the details should be determined by the commercial bank independently according to the risk management principle.

3. The interest rate of the second house loan shall not be lower than 1.1 times of the benchmark loan interest rate. According to the loan policy for second set of housing, the annual interest rate of commercial loans for second set of housing with a term of more than five years is not less than 7.205%.

4. Analysis on whether the second housing loan is restricted. For example, if the borrower uses provident fund and the second uses commercial loan, according to the current policy, the loan interest rate for the second housing loan will still be implemented. The benchmark interest rate will rise by 10% and the interest rate will be 5.94%. However, if the first commercial loan and the second commercial loan use provident fund, the provident fund interest rate will still be 3.87%.

Commercial Loan Policy for Second Housing

How is the commercial loan policy for second set of housing stipulated? According to the Notice on Issues Related to Individual Housing Loan Policies jointly issued by the People's Bank of China, the Ministry of Housing and Urban Rural Development and the CBRC on the 30th.

1. For households with one house and the corresponding housing loan has not been settled, in order to improve their living conditions, they apply again for commercial personal housing loans to purchase ordinary self owned houses, and the down payment ratio is adjusted to not less than 40%. Previously, it was no less than 60%, while in major cities such as Beijing and Shanghai, the stricter 70% standard was implemented.

2. In addition, the new policy stipulates that the down payment ratio for housing provident fund loans to purchase the first set of housing is 20% lower, and the down payment ratio for the second set of housing is 30% lower. Immediately, the Ministry of Finance also issued a document to adjust the business tax years generated when buying and selling houses.

3. The individual will resell the ordinary housing purchased for less than 2 years, and the business tax will be levied in full; Business tax is exempted for more than 2 years. Previously, the tax exemption period for individual ordinary housing sales was set at more than 5 years.

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I must be taller than the sky 2024-05-21 18:37:42
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