
Alipay collection QR code generation

Tang Monk likes to be elegant when washing his hair
Favorable reply

Operation method

Open Alipay on your mobile phone and click Collect at the top of the home page;

Then let others open Alipay scanning, input the amount and payment password to make payment, and the collection is successful;

If you feel troublesome, set the amount, enter the set amount and click OK;

After others scanned, they entered the payment password directly, and the collection was successful!

Tang Monk likes to be elegant when washing his hair 2024-05-10 08:33:11
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Q: What is the Land Rover 5

A: The Yuhu 5 is a pickup truck owned by Jiangling. It uses a 2.4T engine to meet the demand for passengers. The interior design of the Land Rover adopts the saloon design popular in pickup trucks. The atmosphere and shape of the family car make it no longer rough and crude. The materials used for interior trim and door panels are of a high standard among the autonomous pickups of the same level. Not only has the soft plastic lining material replaced the hard plastic in a large area, but also the seam decoration has been added to the door panels, and the fineness has reached a high level. The configuration performance of the Land Rover is quite bright. It can be said that there is not much to criticize. The actual level has exceeded expectations. Automatic headlights, induction wipers, cruise control and other functions are common configurations in passenger cars. In addition, panoramic images, front parking radar, tire pressure monitoring and other configurations are also provided, which is very thick. It is worth mentioning that the operating feel of the multimedia central control screen is also close to that of passenger cars, and it integrates mobile phone interconnection, navigation system and other functions, which is very practical.

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