
The fastest way to eliminate trapezius

regard with equanimity
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The trapezius muscle is the superficial muscle of the neck and shoulder, which is located under the skin and is in the shape of a triangle angle. Friends who still don't understand it will find out what the trapezius muscle is, that is, we commonly call it "shoulder gliding". Shoulder gliding may be born or practiced later. People like Bruce Lee who practice martial arts all the year round will develop the trapezius muscle.

Operation method

First, run more. Running is the best way to reduce muscle mass. In the process of fitness, we strictly control our running time. Athletes who run on the treadmill for more than one hour a day will lose muscle.

Secondly, you can strengthen the three and two exercises of the humerus to make your upper limbs more symmetrical

In addition, look at the direction of the trapezius muscle fiber and its connected skeleton. Try to lock the connection point of trapezius muscle on the skeleton when practicing relevant movements, and try to let the shoulder sink towards the foot when pushing the chest, so as to minimize the involvement of trapezius muscle. Try to reduce the movement near the connection point to avoid developing the trapezius muscle too much. Only lift the arm and try not to let the trapezius muscle participate. The over developed trapezius muscle is also related to the shrug of shoulders when pushing the chest. Keep your shoulders down and fixed as much as possible during shoulder exercises

Finally, dumbbells shrug shoulders, try to raise shoulders, shrink at the highest point, and then return after a while.

regard with equanimity 2024-05-15 11:12:42
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