
How should managers get along with assistants?

A coquettish old man
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As a manager, how should we treat our assistant? How to treat it? Can our assistant work better for us? Let's take a look

Operation method

1. Clearly marked the instructions to be conveyed. Now many bosses or assistants' instructions are very vague, which leads to the assistants' confusion when they work, thus causing a lot of unnecessary trouble or mistakes. As a result, the boss or manager often gets angry with the assistants. In fact, many times, as long as the boss or manager clearly marked the instructions to be conveyed, In general, there is no error.

2. Remind the assistant in good faith. Sometimes the assistant does not do a good job. We should remind the assistant in good faith of these things and tell the assistant explicitly and implicitly what to do? In this way, the assistant will feel that the manager is very friendly and will naturally do a better job.

3. Help assistant When an assistant has difficulties in work or life, we, as managers, should help our assistant, so that he can concentrate on his work, and will not make so many mistakes in his work, which will naturally improve the efficiency of work.

4. Many times when we teach assistants, we can remind them of what to do and help them finish their work better, which will not lead to low efficiency, but will also make our work easier and more efficient as the boss or manager.

5. Respect for assistants When our assistants make mistakes in their work or make mistakes, we should not abuse our assistants, because this is disrespectful to our assistants, regardless of their positions, but we should not slander anyone and form personal attacks, so we should respect our assistants.

hot tip

As a manager or boss, you must watch

A coquettish old man 2024-05-16 15:24:50
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