
How to place supermarket goods

My heart is lonely
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The seemingly simple arrangement of supermarket goods is actually very knowledgeable. A reasonable layout of supermarket goods can not only increase the sales volume of the supermarket, but also make customers feel very humanized and attract more repeat customers. The following section will introduce the skills of goods placement in supermarkets.

Operation method

To make the goods easy to see, customers will only stay in the store for 20-30 minutes at most, so once entering the store, customers will first consider whether there is something I want in this store, so the store should meet the basic requirements of complete items to retain customers. In addition, we should also grasp the principle of easy to see, because even if there are goods that customers want in the store, they may lose business opportunities due to difficulties in finding them. The so-called "easy to see" here means that "the label faces the front and is not blocked by other goods". In addition, the goods should not be placed in the shelf, but should be neatly displayed forward, and the goods above the middle section should be placed in a straight way, while the goods at the lower section should be placed in a horizontal way with the label up.

Easy to take goods When shopping, customers will confirm the goods before buying, so easy to take is as important as easy to buy. Therefore, we must pay special attention to remind taller male employees to display goods too high, so that most women can not get goods. Moreover, we must pay attention to the principle of easy to take and easy to put back, so as to avoid destroying the entire display by taking only one commodity.

It is easy to identify the location of the goods with a little care, such as posting the configuration map of each department in the store, and displaying the billboards by category in the daily distribution department.

Display shelves are often full of goods to show a sense of quantity. This practice can increase the turnover by more than 25%, and the empty scaffolding is not only a waste of space, but also a direct demonstration to customers that their commodity power is weak.

Put the associated goods together. For example, beer, cap lifter and cups can be placed next to each other on the shelf, so customers will want to buy a cap lifter or cup when they want to buy beer. This method can increase the turnover.

The main commodities at the entrance of the supermarket are the least profitable. Most supermarkets attach great importance to the entrance, because it is the first place customers see when entering the shopping area. The goods at the bottom of the shelf are more cost-effective. The goods in the float are the cheapest, followed by those placed at both ends of the shelf, and those with low price tags on the common shelf.

hot tip

In addition, some promotions can be done

My heart is lonely 2024-05-18 11:00:19
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