
Diablo 2 Single Machine Pioneering Role's Daughter Mage Skill Increase Introduction

youth passes as a fleeting wave
Favorable reply

The female mage is the most efficient when she opens up wasteland, because she has a magic skill called tp. If tp is available, you can escape when being beaten, or you can selectively lead the way. This is very useful for em and dy, and it is very suitable for land reclamation.

Operation method

The female mage has three systems of electricity, fire and ice. Fire system is not recommended for clearing wasteland. Because fire system group killing is delayed and slow, electric system or ice system is preferred. Ice system is a common routine. Ice system damage is accompanied by freezing deceleration, which is very useful for clearing wasteland.

Level 6 sor can use ice storm. Ice storm will be the main skill long before the level 24 storm comes out.

At level 10, add a little more static energy position. This skill is better to add it before meeting Sister An. It's exaggerated to say that it's a magic skill to kill Sister An in seconds.

At level 18, in addition to adding a little ice spike skill to the left key skill, you can send sors magic skills.

Don't add other skills before Level 24, just add Ice Storm. It's snowstorm at level 24. Snow storm is the most harmful ice system. With the blizzard, the right button skill was changed.

At level 30, ice will be used, and ice will be given priority to each upgrade. According to this idea, if you operate properly, you can easily pass the pt.

hot tip

Don't forget to add some enthusiasm, and add some broken ice armour

Make good use of static energy position and get twice the result with half the effort

youth passes as a fleeting wave 2024-05-15 09:36:47
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Latest answers Change


Q: What is the method of salad spinach and peanuts

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