
How to use mobile USB flash disk on mobile phone

Still Night Spring Water
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Operation method

Open the phone, find the phone settings, click and enter, as shown in the figure.

Enter the setting interface, find more settings, click and enter, as shown in the figure.

Enter the More Settings interface, find the OTG and open it, as shown in the figure.

After the OTG is turned on, restart the phone, and then insert the USB flash drive into the phone to operate the USB flash drive memory, as shown in the figure.

Still Night Spring Water 2024-04-18 14:24:52
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Q: Is laminated glass sound proof

Answer: First, there are many kinds of soundproof windows on the market. If consumers do not have acoustic knowledge, it is difficult to distinguish which is more effective. Several glass materials often heard are laminated glass, vacuum glass and insulating glass. Among the three kinds of glass, laminated glass can reduce the noise of all the above frequencies, while insulating glass is generally used for heat insulation. Although it has a certain sound insulation effect, it is only for high-frequency noise. For some traffic noise, such as the noise of trucks, overhead noise, etc., insulating glass windows have little effect, Even the so-called three-layer insulating glass cannot achieve the purpose of noise reduction. 2、 According to the sound frequency of the sound insulation window, the noise can be divided into: low-frequency noise<400Hz, intermediate frequency noise 400 ~ 1000Hz and high-frequency noise>1000Hz.

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