
How to eliminate the luxury package

Cooked Man with Beancurd
Favorable reply

Operation method

[Film] After finding the long bag, go to the hospital to take a film to check whether it is the rich bag caused by cervical spondylosis. If it is, actively cooperate with the hospital for treatment. If not, follow my method below.

[Hot compress method] Wealth packs are generally caused by cold accumulation. If you are at home, take a basin of hot water, then soak the towel and apply it to your neck. As long as it is not hot, the hotter the better. Apply it for 15 minutes every day.

[Massage] Regular TCM hospitals generally have massage departments, so that doctors can give you neck massage to strengthen blood circulation, so that the wealth package becomes smaller. Remember, you must go to a regular Chinese medicine hospital, not to a small street clinic or other massage places, because if the neck massage is not correct, it will cause dizziness.

[Keep the neck warm] Keep the neck warm and prevent the cold from invading again. It's better to wear clothes with collars or scarves at ordinary times. If you work in the office in summer, be careful not to sit under the air outlet of the air conditioner. If the seat is not easy to adjust, you must wear a coat with collars to protect your neck.

[Attention to sitting posture] Pay attention to sitting posture when using computers and writing. Straighten your neck when sitting, so as not to deform your cervical spine and grow wealth bags. When you are sitting, you should always do a head up movement, not too fast, but slowly upward.

[Pay attention to diet] Don't eat too cold. It's better to eat warm food. If the cold doesn't dissipate in the body, it is easy to accumulate, forming a bag of wealth.

Cooked Man with Beancurd 2024-05-23 20:46:38
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