
What are the symptoms of hepatitis B with small three positive

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We usually think that the condition of hepatitis B with small three positive is lighter than that of hepatitis B with large three positive. In fact, this is wrong, because the incidence of hepatitis B with small three positive is more than three times the incidence of large three positive, so we should not underestimate the symptoms of small three positive. In this case, we should first understand the symptoms of Xiao Sanyang.

Operation method

Systemic symptoms: the common clinical symptoms include low fever, general fatigue, and lack of strength. In severe cases, it can also show jaundice like symptoms of skin, urine, and sclera yellowing one after another.

Pain in the liver area: This is usually the result of the aggravation of the condition of hepatitis B. Because a large number of viruses in the body constantly attack the liver cells, a longer time will lead to liver damage, abnormal liver function, and thus the phenomenon of pain in the liver area.

Liver palm and spider nevus: these symptoms are relatively serious, which are also the symptoms of hepatitis B due to the abnormal metabolism of bilirubin caused by the aggravation of hepatitis B.

Digestive tract symptoms: common symptoms include vomiting, nausea, low fever, dyspepsia, abdominal pain, abdominal distension, etc., which seriously affect the normal quality of life of hepatitis B patients. No matter whether the patients with hepatitis B have small three positive, any of the above symptoms can not be ignored. Otherwise, the condition of Little Three Positive Hepatitis B will worsen and may develop towards cirrhosis. Once the liver function of hepatitis B patients with small three positive appears repeated abnormalities, antiviral treatment is needed.

People's hearts are good 2024-05-19 17:42:22
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