
How to set security for qq

True and false happiness
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Operation method

First, we log in to qq, click the three horizontal icons below on the qq main page to enter the setting function.

Click the security setting option in the setting function.

Then you will see an entry to apply for password protection. Click it to set the password protection.

Enter the security settings to set the security or modify and delete the security again.

True and false happiness 2024-04-21 22:16:52
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Latest answers Change


Q: How to make a light show with an SLR

Answer: 1. If you want to take photos of the lantern party, try to use tripod support. 2. When shooting a scene without a subject character, the night scene mode in the phase airport recovery mode should be used. At this time, the camera will use a low ISO slow shutter speed for exposure, and the dark details will be rich. One sidedly improving the ISO of the camera will increase the noise on the one hand, and on the other hand, the light and dark contrast will be too strong, and the dark details will be lost seriously. 3. When taking photos with people and colored light backgrounds, you should use the night portrait mode in the camera scene mode (half body head plus the icon of stars or moon). At this time, the camera will take into account the background exposure, and use the flash to highlight the characters. The background and the exposure of the characters in the photos are both appropriate. If the ordinary fool mode is used, the exposure of the characters is accurate, the background is often dim, and the effect will be poor. The above is the basic experience of using a small digital camera to shoot a light show. If it is a SLR camera, you can set a relatively high ISO sensitivity value. The night scene uses a small aperture slow shutter, and the night scene portrait uses slow synchronous flash. The principle is the same as above.

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