
Where is the place to change your driver's license in Zhengzhou? Is the processing time fast?

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Operation method

There are six driving license change points in Zhengzhou: No. 25, Shunhe Road, Jinshui District; 2: No. 118, Zhongyuan West Road, Zhongyuan District; 3: 116 Minggong Road, Erqi District; 4: No. 30, Jincheng Street, Guancheng District; 5: 100 meters north and west of the intersection of Fengqing Road and Guoji Road in Jinshui District; 6: 200 meters west of the intersection of Dongfeng East Road and Xiongerhe Road in Zhengdong New Area.

The working hours of the driver license change office are from Monday to Friday, Saturday and Sunday are not working, and the legal holidays are also off, so we should pay attention to the time of going to the office.

According to the survey, generally speaking, it can be completed in about three days, so generally speaking, the processing time is relatively fast.

Another thing to know is that the place to change the driver's license must be the driving license administration office that issued the license, that is, you must be a driver's license registered in Zhengzhou Driving School, and only in this way can you change it.

Hear songs by the moonlight 2024-04-16 05:24:08
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