
How to pay attention to others and cancel attention

Unwilling to degenerate
Favorable reply

Operation method

First, we choose to click to open the mobile phone dither short video and log in accordingly.

Then, we click the search icon in the upper left corner of the recommendation page and search out the people we want to follow.

Then, after entering the relevant page, we can click "Follow" after her name to follow.

Finally, if you want to cancel the following, click "followed" after her name.

Unwilling to degenerate 2024-04-16 23:05:48
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Latest answers Change


Q: What does it mean to borrow frozen food

Answer: Frozen debit refers to the freezing of debit, which is a bank term, that is, the bank freezes your bill. The provisions on freezing property are the announcements of the Supreme People's Court on sealing up, distraining and freezing property in the civil execution of the People's Court. That is, if the relevant units or individuals need assistance in taking sealing up, detaining or freezing measures, the people's court shall prepare a notice of assistance in execution and send it to the person assisting in execution together with a copy of the ruling. The ruling of sealing up, distraining or freezing and the notice of assisting in execution shall become legally effective when they are served. The people's court may seal up, distrain or freeze the movable property occupied by a third person or the immovable property, specific movable property and other property rights registered in the name of a third person, if the third person confirms in writing that the property belongs to the person subjected to execution.

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