
Lol League of Heroes: How to deal with high delay, high ping value and instability

Heaven rewards diligence
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Operation method

After turning on the computer, find the network connection icon in the toolbar at the bottom of the desktop, click the icon with the right mouse button, and select Open "Network and Internet Settings" in the pop-up menu bar.

After clicking, the system will automatically open the status panel, find the "Change Network Settings" column on the panel, and click [Change Adapter Options] below.

Then, the system will open the network connection page, find the current network connection, right-click, and select Properties in the pop-up menu bar.

After clicking, its properties window will open. Find [Internet Protocol Version 4] in "The following items are used for this connection", select it and click [Properties].

Finally, go to the Internet Protocol Version 4 attribute general page, check [Use the following DNS server address], enter "" in "Preferred DNS server", and then click [OK]. After the input is completed, restart lol to effectively reduce the delay.

Heaven rewards diligence 2024-05-20 21:46:32
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Q: Which supplier is KFC egg tarts

A: KFC's main supplier of egg tarts is Western style Bakery. Xichu Beike brand, whose English name is chefbaker, chefbaker/Xichu Beike brand was founded in 2014. At present, Xichu Beike's products cover borscht, egg tarts, egg tarts skin, egg tarts liquid, fresh yellow peach, pizza raw materials, flowing heart milk yellow moon cake, pasta, macaroni, condensed milk, strawberry, macaroni, etc. KFC is one of the transnational chain restaurants in the United States, and also the second largest fast food and the largest fried chicken chain in the world. It was founded by the founder Harlan Sanders in 1952. It mainly sells fried chicken, hamburgers, French fries, covered rice, egg tarts, soda and other high calorie fast food.

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