
How do I know if the phone number has been hacked?

The garden is scented with flowers
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In daily life, do we often encounter that when we call someone, we can't get through, and we can't know whether the other person is not answering, the number has been blocked by the other person, or whether there is a mobile phone problem, or the signal is poor? So how to accurately identify the reason why the other party does not answer the phone? Here are the judgment methods:

Operation method

When you make the call you want to make, if you do not hear the echo (beep, beep, beep), the call is waiting for an echo, and you will answer it directly (the call you dialed is in the middle of a call); There are several possibilities. One is that the other party's signal is poor, and the mobile phone has no charge, and the other party pulls you black;

If you hear a normal (beep, beep, beep) call waiting tone in the echo, you can hear it again (the phone you dialed is in the middle of a call); In this case, the other party didn't pull your number black. It may be that the other party is busy with something important or doesn't want to answer your call;

If you only hear the echo (the phone you dialed cannot be connected), or the phone you dialed has been turned off; The reason is that the environment signal of the other side is poor or the flight mode and the other side's mobile phone are off

To further judge whether the other party has blackmailed its mobile phone number, let's elaborate on the first point; Here we use the network phone software with the function of intelligent display and hidden number; 1. First, we searched the phone APP and downloaded and installed it; 2. Open the software, click the setting menu, and open the hidden number dialing method; 3. When you call the number you want to call, the caller ID displays a new phone number, or the landline number or no number display, and the caller does not know you are calling; Normally, if the other phone is not broken, you can at least hear the sound (beep, beep, beep). If you do not hear the sound when you dial with your own card, but you hear it when you use the Internet phone, then your number is pulled black by him.

hot tip

When using the Internet phone, make sure that your mobile phone can be connected to the Internet normally

The garden is scented with flowers 2024-05-22 10:15:56
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