
How to modify the receiving address on Taobao

Sorrow under pillow
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When we shop on Taobao, we need to fill in the exact receiving address, but how can we modify our previous receiving address or add a new receiving address? Next, I will teach you!

Operation method

First click the "pro, please log in" in the upper left corner of Taobao, and then log in to your Taobao account

Click the "My Taobao" button at the top of the page

On my Taobao page, find "My shipping address" and click it

In the My Receiving Address interface, you can modify, delete or set your previous receiving address as the default address

If you need to add a new receiving address, you need to enter the correct address information in the input box, and then click the "Save" button below

Sorrow under pillow 2024-05-20 17:49:06
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