
How to prevent baby constipation

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Operation method

If your baby is constipated, drink more water. Drink some fruit juice, such as watermelon juice, pear juice, apple juice, to increase the number of stools and water content in the stool.

Proper abdominal massage can also relieve constipation, and proper abdominal massage stimulation can effectively promote intestinal peristalsis and regulation, and promote the effect of defecation.

It can multiply beneficial bacteria in the intestines to restore the baby's intestinal health, and properly feed the baby probiotics and some drugs to promote intestinal peristalsis and moisten the intestines.

Take your baby outdoors for exercise every day, because exercise can increase intestinal peristalsis and promote defecation.

Increase the intake of complementary foods such as starch and whole wheat, such as sweet potato and pumpkin, can also play the role of softening stool.

If the baby is breastfed, the mother should pay attention to the adjustment of the diet structure, eat light, and drink more water.

If the symptoms of constipation are not alleviated, you can use children's sealant or soap bar to stimulate the anus, but do not use it for a long time.

The sunset is beautiful 2024-04-18 06:44:53
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