
Office Office Software Excel Spreadsheet Tutorial

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Excel form is a software that is often used in office software. A lot of important things can be done on the form, which makes people look clear and simple. I will briefly explain the excel spreadsheet tutorial of office software.

Operation method

In the cells of the table, we can enter information such as text, Chinese, English, number symbols, etc.

Select several cells in the table with the mouse, add a solid line to the outer frame of the table, click Center, and the information in the cell will be displayed in the middle of the cell.

Select two or more cells, click Merge Center, and the cells will be merged into one cell.

Place the mouse on the cell line and pull to adjust the cell row and vertical spacing.

Select a cell, click the fill color, select any color, and fill the cell with color.

If there is too much data in a cell to drop, select the cell and click word wrap. The information in the cell will automatically change to row sorting.

The above points are about the basics of table comparison.

Companion is better than a thousand words 2024-05-25 20:52:52
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