
Which hair dyes have been found carcinogenic in Japan?

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In Japan, there is a 100 yuan store called Dachuang, which is popular with many customers because of its low price and practicality.

But in Japan, a hair dye was detected to contain the carcinogen formaldehyde. We all know that formaldehyde is a kind of chemical substance that is very harmful to the body, and long-term use of articles containing formaldehyde is easy to cause cancer.

Ordinary hair dyes contain some harmful substances, but if not used for a long time, our human body's decomposition function can decompose those harmful substances, thus reducing the harm to human body.

The detection of formaldehyde in Daisho hair dye in Japan has attracted many people's attention. The existence of formaldehyde is seriously harmful to human health. Formaldehyde cannot be decomposed by the human body itself, so the residual formaldehyde in the human body will cause cancer.

Not young 2024-04-19 23:31:38
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