
How to prevent cervical erosion is better

Cherish each other at sunset
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Operation method

First, regular gynecological examination: no matter whether the body is sick or not, women should insist on regular gynecological examination. In this way, you can know your physical condition as early as possible and find out whether there is gynecological inflammation in your body in time.

Second, pay attention to personal hygiene: women should pay attention to personal hygiene, wash the vulva with warm water every day, and keep the vulva clean to prevent gynecological diseases. Secondly, do not abuse antibiotics or use lotion indiscriminately to clean the vagina. Because the vagina itself has bacteria and other antibodies that can be resisted, it is easy to cause vaginal acid-base imbalance and normal flora imbalance if the vagina is washed with these lotions. Women should pay more attention to daily cleaning work in some special periods, such as menstrual cycle and pregnancy, to avoid the invasion of germs causing gynecological inflammation.

Third, sex life should be regular: in peacetime, women should control the number of their sex life, especially in the menstrual cycle, women must prohibit sex life. In addition, women should not have multiple sexual partners to avoid direct infection of bacteria at this time.

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Cherish each other at sunset 2024-05-06 13:55:31
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