
How about the performance of OPPO A57?

Shanxiu Xiqing
Favorable reply

Is OPPO A57 smooth enough? Strong system optimization.
OPPO? A57 uses Qualcomm Snapdragon MSM8940 processor, which is named Snapdragon 435 by Qualcomm. Although it comes from the Snapdragon 400 series, it actually has excellent performance and power consumption. In addition, the processor performance has improved significantly in recent years, so this 435 processor is not always enough for most people.

Operation method

The A57 uses 3GB super large running memory, which can run more APP at the same time, run faster, and run more smoothly. At the same time, 32GB memory is used, and 128GB memory expansion is supported. You can install a whole TV play into your mobile phone, and enjoy entertainment when you go out.

First, the test results of several popular games show that a full frame of 60FPS is generally smooth when it reaches more than 30FPS, and there is basically no sense of "stuck" in the experience. From the three games tested above, it can be seen that the first two can run perfectly and smoothly, but the frame number of wild drag racing in large 3D games is slightly lower, but the actual experience is still relatively smooth, except that when reading the picture into the track, there is occasionally a jam, and it will not jam when running.

In terms of running score, the test was also conducted, and Anthare scored 45973; GeekBench scored 657 for single core and 3080 for multi core; The 3DMark graphics test scores 9881 on the IceStormUnlimited map. The above scores basically belong to the scores of mid tier models, and the performance meets the requirements of mainstream users. However, under the strong optimization of ColorOS, the fingerprint unlocking, app opening speed, task switching speed, camera opening speed, etc., which are most easily perceived to be fluent in daily life, are very smooth.

Shanxiu Xiqing 2024-05-23 08:57:15
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Q: Can playing badminton help you lose weight

A: In fact, the reason why people can practice "eye and hand" is very simple: because badminton is very fast in sports, it requires the other player's eyes to closely follow the high-speed flying ball, and the eye ciliary muscle keeps contracting and relaxing, which greatly promotes the blood supply of the eye tissue, thus improving the function of the ciliary muscle, Long term exercise can improve people's visual sensitivity and eye reaction ability. For ordinary fans, especially middle-aged and elderly people and people who overuse their eyes, if they can keep practicing, their visual sensitivity will be significantly improved. In addition, the exerciser needs to use the strength of the wrist and arm to hold and swing the racket, and also fully move the ankle joint, knee joint, hip joint and other parts to make various gait such as sliding step, tiptoe step and bow and arrow step. Therefore, the exercise of the muscles and joints of the whole body is also very sufficient. During the process of picking up and receiving the ball, the muscles in the waist and abdomen can also be fully exercised by constantly bending and raising the head. Therefore, long-term badminton exercise can not only strengthen the cardiovascular system and respiratory system, but also have a significant effect on weight loss. 1. Can increase energy consumption Long term exercise can consume energy in the body, and playing badminton is a whole body exercise fitness activities. The total energy consumption of badminton has an important relationship with the duration. The energy consumed by the human body in exercise can be several to dozens of times that of sitting still. Some studies have shown that long-term regular exercise can improve the basic metabolic rate in a quiet state. Therefore, after you choose to play badminton, you should insist on exercising for more than an hour every other day. 2. It can promote the decomposition of fat and reduce the need for non-stop running when playing badminton. Look back and forth at the position of the ball, and then quickly move your body to catch the ball, thus consuming a lot of fat. Fat is the main oxidant for energy supply, so it is natural to consume fat when playing badminton under aerobic conditions for a long time. In addition, exercise will also reduce insulin secretion, thereby inhibiting the synthesis of body fat. Because the minimum body fat should be coordinated with good health, when playing badminton, players must pay attention to the control of their exercise intensity and time. 3. Badminton sports can reduce body fat, improve body composition and exercise in badminton events for a long time. Especially the amount of exercise with medium and small intensity can increase people's lean weight (lean weight=weight fat weight). This can be proved by the fact that the body fat of excellent athletes is lower than that of ordinary people. Generally, people who do not participate in sports will gain lean weight if they carry out systematic physical exercise. Because the weight increase of lean weight offsets the weight loss of body fat, the total weight will be slightly reduced or kept unchanged. Some studies have shown that exercise can increase the energy supply of fat in a quiet state, help regulate weight, prevent fat accumulation, and avoid obesity. If you lose weight only by reducing the amount of food you eat, you will lose lean weight. If you lose weight too quickly, you will also become dehydrated. In badminton, the muscles of the shoulder, upper arm and forearm are used when the upper limbs swing; The movement movements such as kicking, striding and jumping of the forward and backward footwork can exercise the large muscle groups of the buttocks, thighs and calves; The muscles of the abdomen, waist and back involved in turning make the body lean and lose excess fat. In general, badminton is very suitable for slimming.

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