
How to uninstall IE11 in Win7

Lonely Butterfly Shadow
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Internet Explorer 11 is the latest version of Microsoft's browser, but it is not popular. You may prefer to use the old version of the browser, or your IE 11 may not work properly, then you can uninstall the update to restore to the original version. Uninstalling updates can be done directly in the Windows system, or you can use the command prompt.

Uninstall in Control Panel

Open the control panel. The control panel can be found in the Start menu.

Open the Program Manager. If the viewing method is "Category", please click "Uninstall Program"; If you click the icon to view, click "Programs and Functions". This will open the list of all programs on your computer.

Opens the list of installed Windows updates. Click "View Installed Updates" on the left side of the window, so you can see all Windows updates installed on your computer through the list. Since Internet Explorer comes with Windows, all IE updates can be viewed here.

Find Internet Explorer 11. You can scroll down all the time, or you can directly enter "Internet Explorer" into the search bar at the top of the window.

Uninstall Internet Explorer 11. You can select Internet Explorer 11 and click the Uninstall button, or right-click to select Uninstall. Click OK to confirm uninstalling the update. At this time, User Account Control may remind you again.

Wait for the uninstall to finish. It may take several minutes to uninstall Internet Explorer 11. After the uninstall is complete, click Restart Now to complete the uninstall. Internet Explorer will revert to the previous version, which may be IE10, IE9, or IE8.

Hide updates. If you don't want to receive the prompt to update Internet Explorer 11 in the future, you can hide it in Windows Update. Open the control panel. The control panel can be opened in the Start menu. Select Windows Update. If you are viewing by category, select System and Security, and then select Windows Update. Click "View available updates". Right click Internet Explorer 11. Select Hide Updates.

Install a different version of Internet Explorer. When IE is restored to the old version, you can also update it to a newer version at any time. For example, if you uninstall IE11 and restore it to IE8, you can upgrade it to IE9 or IE10.

Uninstall from the command prompt

Open a command prompt. First, click the Start menu, click "Attachment", right-click "Command Prompt", and select "Open as administrator".

Copy and paste the following command to uninstall IE updates: @ fname/norestart "After pasting the above command, press Enter.

Press OK when an error message appears. In the process of executing the command, you may receive several error prompts, and you just need to click OK each time.

Restart the computer. After returning to the command prompt window, the uninstallation is almost complete, and you need to restart your computer at this time.

Hide updates. If you don't want to receive the prompt to update Internet Explorer 11 in the future, you can hide it in Windows Update. Open the control panel. The control panel can be opened in the Start menu. Select Windows Update. If you are viewing by category, select System and Security, and then select Windows Update. Click "View available updates". Right click Internet Explorer 11. Select Hide Updates.

Install a different version of Internet Explorer. When IE is restored to the old version, you can also update it to a newer version at any time. For example, if you uninstall IE11 and restore it to IE8, you can upgrade it to IE9 or IE10.

Lonely Butterfly Shadow 2024-05-09 09:34:09
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