
Out of the Mistake of Decoration Wallpaper 2013 Latest Wallpaper Decoration Renderings

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Many people will wonder whether the colorful wallpaper will not be environmentally friendly, will damage the walls, will fade, and so on. In fact, with the development of wallpaper technology, the use of high-tech and new materials, and the continuous improvement of wallpaper performance, the above questions can be basically solved. Don't worry, Xiao Bian will take you out of the traditional concept of wallpaper today and experience the new feeling of wallpaper decoration. 1: Wallpaper is easy to fall off and damage the wall. Comments: It is not the problem of wallpaper itself, Instead, the pasting process did not meet the requirements, and now some brand wallpaper manufacturers often have a well-trained professional construction team, which uses imported Japanese original adhesive powder for construction, and provides perfect after-sales service for wallpaper paving. Myth 2: Wallpaper costs too much and its cost performance is low. Comments: Among all wallpapers, the price of imported wallpapers is far higher than that of domestic ones, the price of natural wallpapers is higher than that of ordinary wallpapers, and the price of wallpapers of big brands is higher than that of low-quality wallpapers. However, no matter which brand manufacturers, they will consider the purchasing power of the consumer groups targeted by their products. Myth 3: Wallpapers of all materials are the same, without distinction: wallpapers can be divided into paper wallpapers, natural material wallpapers, plastic wallpapers, adhesive wallpapers, cloth wallpapers, wood wallpapers, metal wallpapers, diatomite wallpapers and many other types. The environmental protection and performance of different materials are very different, and the suitable space and style are also different. Myth 4: Wallpaper contains harmful substances to human body, not enough for environmental protection and health. This is a one-sided statement. From the current production and technology of wallpaper, domestic low-end wallpaper may contain a small amount of harmful substances; However, most imported wallpapers do not contain lead, benzene and other harmful substances. From the perspective of application, the more developed countries have higher requirements for environmental protection, and the demand and use of wallpapers in developed countries are far higher than those in our country. The use of wallpaper still plays a very important role in shaping the decoration style, and it can be perfectly matched after matching.

A solo 2024-05-06 04:56:45
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