
How to use the Supor juice extractor

Water billow
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Recently, I got a new kitchen magic tool - juice extractor. It's very convenient to squeeze all kinds of juice. Let's share the usage of XXX brand juice extractor with you:

Operation method

Let's get to know the accessories of the juicer first! There are two kinds of cup lids, one is purely used as cup lid, and the other is used as mixing cutter head. See the figure below.

Clean the mixing cup and knife head before squeezing. We can take them out and put them under the tap to wash them

For deep cleaning, you can also put a few drops of neutral detergent into the mixing cup, add about half a cup of clean water, and cover it with a knife head.

Align the triangle icon on the cup lid with the unlocking icon on the body, rotate it anticlockwise to the locking state, press the start button to stir and clean it for about 5 seconds, and then clean it with clean water.

Prepare fruit, honey, and cool. Let's take pears as an example. Peel and cut into pieces, remove the core, and cut into small pieces. Two normal sized pears can be put in

Put the pear block into the mixing cup, add some boiled water, the amount of boiled water is at least less than the knife head, add honey, if there is no honey, do not add it, and cover the cup with the knife head

Connect the power supply, install the mixing cup into the machine body, pay attention to the triangle icon on the cup cover, align it with the unlocking pattern on the machine body, rotate it to the left (counterclockwise) to the locking state, press the start switch, and release the hand in 5 to 10 seconds to complete the juice squeezing.

Rotate the mixing cup clockwise until the triangle icon is aligned with the unlocking position, take out the mixing cup, replace it with a portable bottle cap, and take it out. The operation is very convenient.

hot tip

The blade is sharp. Do not rub it directly with your hands when cleaning to prevent cuts!

Do not work continuously for too long, or the machine may burn out!

Water billow 2024-05-22 21:49:54
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