
How about the configuration of Coolpad 5892?

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Operation method

The basic configuration of this mobile phone: four core 1.2 Hz processor, Android 4.3 mobile phone system, 8 million front camera. More parameters are as follows. I bought this mobile phone from Jiangsu Telecom. The following are the basic parameters. In terms of appearance, this mobile phone is equipped with a 5-inch screen, which is fashionable and elegant on the whole. Specific information and parameters of the phone screen. Mobile data communication capability Mobile power management capability Phone memory parameters

calm 2024-05-26 11:24:01
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Q: How many legs does an octopus have

Answer: Octopus has eight legs. The octopus body is short oval, cystic, and has no fins. The boundary between the head and the body is not obvious. There are large compound eyes and eight retractable wrists on the head. Each wrist has two rows of fleshy suckers, and there are membranes between the wrists. The length varies. There are two rows of sessile suckers on the wrist, so it is called "eight wrists". It is not a fish. The average life span of octopuses is only about 3 years. If the living conditions are ideal and they are not caught, they can live to about 4 years at most. The life span of giant octopuses in the deep sea is different.

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