
How to test Huawei p10 flash gate

Everything is like smoke
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How to distinguish whether the flash memory used by the mobile phone is UFS2.1 or eMMC5.1

Operation method

Download and install Android on the tested mobile phone

Select the "Micro" test item, and the results can be uploaded to the server or not.

Judging the flash memory type according to the data results, the reading speed of UFS2.1 is about 800MB/s, and the reading speed of eMMC5.1 is about 200MB/s.

hot tip

The gap between hardware reading and writing data is obvious. Even though the difference between current system fluency is small, the gap will become more obvious as the system upgrades and iterations

Everything is like smoke 2024-05-21 22:46:00
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Q: What does colored glaze represent

Answer: Different colors of glass represent different meanings, specifically as follows: 1 Green glass -- to ensure peace, represents peace, life and happiness; It is conducive to establishing good relations with people, strengthening courage, and dissolving the intentional exclusion of others. With powerful purification function, it can relieve toothache and throat and trachea problems. It is suitable for people who often travel and like traveling. 2 Purple colored glaze can improve IQ and EQ, representing nobility, elegance and progress; It is conducive to improving their existing state and enhancing self-confidence. It has the function of suppressing people's desire and has a protective effect on the cardiovascular system. It can help the success of love and career, and can be used as a means of making love or celebrating success; To ward off evil spirits and block evil spirits can eliminate the negative impact of the whole environment, reduce the damage to the body, and maintain a happy attitude. Protect the body from all diseases; Protect the house, and all poisons will not enter. It is the source of happiness that can bring happiness to life. 4. Blue colored glaze can gather blessings and bring luck to people, representing freshness, tranquility and comfort; It can reduce pressure, stabilize mood, improve personal popularity and make more friends. It has powerful therapeutic power for bones, muscles, kidneys and headache. It is suitable for all those who need good luck. 5 Amber colored glaze -- it is appropriate to urge wealth, which is a symbol of power and wealth, representing brightness, gentleness and innovation; It can help people project authoritative energy, strengthen people's decisiveness, play a great role in the cause of take-off, and improve the nervous system. It is suitable for people who are striving hard and eager to succeed. 6 Purple and blue -- the main in-depth communication, get along well. 7 Purple and white -- peace+good mood. White is a symbol of purity. It is more clear inside and outside when paired with purple, and slightly delicate in elegance. It is the representative of charm. The faint fragrance penetrates people's hearts and has memory effect, indicating the priceless feelings and the unforgettable love. 8 Purple and green -- transform the destiny, strengthen cooperation, and match the green representing life with the purple with the function of gathering happiness. The resonance of each other's energy has a strong cohesive effect, which can improve their own destiny to a certain extent. 9 Amber and blue -- The color of business promoting wealth is soft and powerful, representing perseverance and belief, and improving the ability to reflect. Represent a successful career and boundless financial fortune. Amber and white -- official fortune has the noble temperament of a king. It can eliminate fatigue, control emotions, stimulate people's memory, and gather wealth.

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