
How to judge whether the mangosteen is broken?

Raise a fire and burn the sky
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The following is the method to judge whether the mangosteen is broken:

1. Observe the appearance: The appearance of mangosteen should be smooth, shiny and bright. If the appearance of the mangosteen is sunken, cracked, decayed, discolored, etc., it is likely to be broken.

2. Smell: The mangosteen should have a delicate smell. If it smells pungent or has a putrid smell, it is likely to have deteriorated.

3. Touch: The pulp of mangosteen should be soft and elastic. If the pulp feels hard or soft, it is probably out of date.

4. Press the pulp: gently press the pulp of mangosteen with your hand. If the pulp has obvious depression or water seepage, it is likely to have deteriorated.

To sum up, observing the appearance, smelling the smell, touching the hand, pressing the pulp and other methods can help judge whether the mangosteen has gone bad. If you suspect that the mangosteen has gone bad, you'd better not eat it to avoid adverse effects on your body.

Raise a fire and burn the sky 2024-04-06 02:12:00
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