
What should we pay attention to in dog days?

I want to shine
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The dog days refer to the three Geng days around the beginning of autumn, which is the hottest time of the year. In this period, high temperature and humidity are easy to cause human discomfort and various diseases. If you are going to have a confinement at this time, you should pay attention to the following points:

1. Diet conditioning: When the weather is warm in dog days, the body is prone to sweating, which may lead to insufficient water in the body. Therefore, during the confinement period, you need to drink more water, eat more fruits and vegetables, and avoid spicy and irritant food, so as not to affect your health.

2. Environmental regulation: The temperature is high in the three volt weather, and the indoor air is not circulating, which is easy to cause the breeding of bacteria. Therefore, during the confinement period, it is necessary to maintain indoor air circulation and maintain indoor cleanliness.

3. Adequate rest: The hot weather in the dog days is easy to lead to fatigue and insomnia. Therefore, during the confinement period, you need to keep enough sleep to avoid overwork, so as not to affect your recovery.

4. Pay attention to mosquito prevention: the temperature is high in dog days, mosquitoes are active in reproduction, and they are easy to bite and cause infection and disease. Therefore, mosquito prevention measures such as mosquito incense and mosquito nets should be taken during confinement.

5. Pay attention to keeping warm: It's easy to ignore keeping warm in the hot days. However, during the confinement period, it is necessary to keep warm and avoid getting cold, so as not to affect the recovery of the body.

In a word, the confinement in dog days needs to pay attention to food conditioning, environmental regulation, adequate rest, mosquito prevention and warmth to ensure health and recovery. At the same time, we also need to follow the doctor's advice and have a scientific and reasonable confinement.

I want to shine 2024-04-02 17:56:12
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