
Is it true that linden honey cannot be dug with an iron spoon

Man must rely on himself
Favorable reply

The reason why linden honey cannot be dug with iron spoon is that the viscosity of linden honey is very high, and the iron spoon is easy to react with linden honey, leading to deterioration of linden honey. In addition, the iron spoon can also destroy the nutritional components in linden honey, affecting its taste and quality.

The problem of linden honey that is too hard to shovel depends on the quality and preservation method of linden honey. If the linden honey is not properly stored, such as exposed to the sun or stored at a low temperature, it will crystallize and become hard and difficult to dig. However, if linden honey is of good quality and stored in proper environment, this will not happen.

Man must rely on himself 2024-04-06 13:45:16
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