
Sweet potato vermicelli can't be matched with fried sweet potato vermicelli

Fan wind
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The food that can't be served with sweet potato vermicelli is mainly sour or spicy ingredients, such as vinegar, lemon, mustard, pepper, etc., because these ingredients will affect the taste and texture of sweet potato vermicelli. In addition, sweet potato vermicelli are also not suitable for cooking with tofu, because they are similar in taste and texture and are easy to be confused.

Home cooking of fried sweet potato vermicelli:

Ingredients: sweet potato vermicelli, carrots, peas, green peppers, onions, garlic, salt, chicken essence, soy sauce, oil

Step: 1. Soak the sweet potato vermicelli in water for about 20 minutes until softened; 2. Shred carrots, peas, green peppers and onions, and minced garlic; 3. Heat the pan with cool oil, and saute the garlic powder; 4. Stir fry carrots, peas, green peppers and onions; 5. Add sweet potato vermicelli, add salt, chicken essence and soy sauce to taste, and stir well.

Tips: Sweet potato vermicelli are easy to expand when heated and shrink when cold. Do not use fire when frying to avoid frying.

Fan wind 2024-04-06 06:12:07
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