
How to make delicious oats? How to make simple oats

Yearning for the flying of eagle
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Oat is a nutritious and digestible grain, which contains a lot of dietary fiber, protein, vitamins and minerals. However, because of its relatively monotonous taste, many people do not like to eat oats. Here are some ways to make oats taste better.

1. Oat porridge

Oatmeal porridge is a very simple method. Just boil oats and water together, and add some honey or juice to taste. If you like thicker porridge, you can add milk or soy milk when cooking oats.

2. Oat biscuits

Oat biscuits are a very healthy snack, which can be eaten at breakfast or afternoon tea. Mix oats, flour, eggs, honey and oil, knead them into dough, and then bake them in the oven.

3. Oat nut cake

Oat nut cake is a very delicious cake, which can be eaten as dessert or breakfast. Mix oats, almonds, raisins, honey and vegetable oil, knead them into dough, and then bake them in the oven.

4. Oatmeal rice

Oatmeal rice is a very nutritious staple food, which can be eaten together with vegetables and eggs. Boil oats with water, then add chopped vegetables and scrambled eggs, season and stir fry.

5. Oat milk shake

Oat milkshake is a very healthy drink, which can be eaten for breakfast or afternoon tea. Mix oats, milk, fruit and honey together and put them into a blender.

In short, oats can be made in many ways to make them more delicious. You can make different oatmeal food according to your own taste and preference.

Yearning for the flying of eagle 2024-04-06 22:42:33
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