
Is the mango pulp black or bad?

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The blackening of mango pulp does not necessarily mean that it has gone bad, because the pigment changes naturally during the ripening process of mango, from cyan to yellow or orange, and then to dark. This is due to the gradual accumulation of pigment substances in mangoes as they mature, resulting in darker flesh color. Therefore, if the mango pulp turns dark, but there is no sign of odor or decay, it can still be eaten.

However, if the mango pulp has peculiar smell, mildew, soft rot or obvious spots or depressions on the surface, it means that it has been damaged and should not be eaten again. At this time, it is better to discard mangoes to avoid harm to health.

In a word, the blackened mango pulp is not necessarily bad, but if there are odor, mildew, soft rot and other symptoms, it needs to be handled carefully.

Start over 2024-04-03 11:42:32
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