
Salmon cooked and parasites? Do you want to eat?

Favorable reply

Salmon is a kind of fish with common parasites, among which the most common parasite is a kind of parasite called "scarlet nematode". This parasite grows in the muscle tissue of salmon and can still survive after cooking at high temperature. Therefore, if salmon is not fully heated, it may lead to parasite infection.

Generally speaking, in order to avoid parasitic infection, salmon should be eaten when heated to a central temperature of more than 60 ℃. If you are not sure whether the salmon has been cooked, it is recommended to use a food thermometer to detect its central temperature. If the center temperature reaches 60 ℃ or above, salmon should be safe.

However, if you have eaten salmon that has not been fully heated and have diarrhea, vomiting, abdominal pain and other symptoms, it may be due to food poisoning caused by parasitic infection. At this time, it is recommended to see a doctor in time and tell the doctor that you may have eaten salmon that has not been fully heated.

In conclusion, in order to avoid parasitic infection, it is recommended to fully heat the salmon when cooking, and use a food thermometer to detect its central temperature. If you have eaten salmon that has not been fully heated and have related symptoms, it is recommended to seek medical advice in time.

Sunrise 2024-04-02 03:03:55
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