
What is oyster?

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Oyster is a kind of mollusk, belonging to Oyster family. They usually grow on rocks or shells in the sea, and can also grow in fresh water. The oyster has two shells, the shell is gray or brown, and the inner shell is smooth pearl color. There is a soft body inside the oyster, which can be eaten. Oyster is a kind of food with high protein and low fat. It is rich in minerals such as zinc, iron, calcium, vitamin B12 and other nutrients, which helps to strengthen immunity, promote bone health and maintain normal function of nervous system. Oysters can be eaten raw or cooked, which is a very popular seafood food.

Green mania is not frivolous 2024-04-04 11:55:44
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Q: How long can fresh and wet agaric last

Answer: Wipe or dry the moisture on the surface of wet agaric, and then store it. The best way to preserve the taste of agaric is to take out the wet agaric, control the moisture, wipe the moisture off the surface, and place it in a basket with holes, or expose it to the sun until it looks like dry agaric. This can extend the storage life of agaric, which can be preserved for more than 3 months without deterioration. Next time, just take out the bubble hair and eat it. Low temperature can reduce the propagation rate of bacteria and extend the storage time of food. Put agaric in the fresh-keeping box, seal it, and then store it in the refrigerator to extend the storage time of 2 days. Before cooking, the pedicel of fresh agaric needs to be cut off and soaked in water for 5-10 minutes. Those who prefer crispness can shorten the soaking time to maintain the crispness. If you buy dried agaric, you need to soak it for a long time before cooking, about 8 hours before cooking.

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