
Royal jelly cannot be eaten together with what vegetables

Flowers smile at dawn
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Royal jelly is a natural health product with rich nutrition, but it cannot be eaten together with certain foods, otherwise it may cause discomfort or affect the absorption effect. The following are some foods that cannot be eaten with royal jelly:

1. Acidic food: Royal jelly is alkaline food. If it is eaten with acidic food, it will neutralize the alkalinity of royal jelly and affect its health care effect. For example, citrus fruits, vinegar, yogurt, etc.

2. Spicy food: Spicy food will stimulate the gastrointestinal tract, which is easy to cause gastrointestinal discomfort, and will also affect the absorption of royal jelly. For example, pepper, ginger, garlic, etc.

3. High protein food: Royal jelly is rich in protein. If it is eaten with high protein food, it will lead to excess protein and increase the burden on the kidney. For example, meat, beans, eggs, etc.

4. Milk: Milk contains a large amount of calcium and protein, which will react with the ingredients in royal jelly and affect the absorption effect of royal jelly.

Therefore, it is suggested that royal jelly should not be eaten together with the above foods to give full play to its health care effects. At the same time, people with allergic constitution should also be careful to eat royal jelly to avoid allergic reactions.

Flowers smile at dawn 2024-04-04 06:05:32
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