
Can sweat expel cold in dog days?

The age of no regrets
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The dog days refer to the three "dog days" in summer, generally between the end of July and the middle of August. During this period, people are prone to sweat, thirst, fatigue, etc. due to high temperature and humidity. Because the temperature is high, the metabolism of the human body will speed up, and the heat in the body will also increase. Sweating is a way for the body to regulate itself.

Sweating can dissipate heat from the body, thus relieving heat inside the body, but it can not directly eliminate cold. Chill is a feeling caused by the decrease of temperature inside the body. If the temperature inside the body is too low, sweating can not directly solve this problem, but may increase the cold feeling of the body.

Therefore, sweating in dog days can not directly eliminate cold, but should pay attention to keeping warm to avoid excessive heat dissipation. It is recommended to wear clothes with good permeability when exercising, so as to prevent sweat from staying on the body surface and causing cold. In addition, attention should also be paid to timely supplement water to avoid dehydration.

The age of no regrets 2024-04-01 12:24:11
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