
Is eating iced watermelon easy to gain weight?

The smoke lasts like a picture
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Eating iced watermelon itself will not directly lead to weight gain, but if the calories consumed exceed the energy consumption required by the body, it may lead to weight gain.

Watermelon is a low calorie, high moisture, high fiber fruit, with only about 30 calories per 100 grams of watermelon, and contains a lot of vitamins and minerals. Therefore, moderate consumption of watermelon will not cause obesity.

However, if you eat a lot of iced watermelons, the body temperature will drop, so that the body needs to consume more calories to maintain body temperature, which will increase the energy consumption of the body. However, if the calorie intake exceeds the energy consumption of the body, it will lead to weight gain.

In addition, if sugar or other high calorie ingredients are added in the process of eating iced watermelon, the calorie intake will increase, which will lead to weight gain.

Therefore, eating iced watermelons will not directly lead to weight gain, but attention should be paid to the calories and ingredients to avoid excessive calorie intake leading to weight gain.

The smoke lasts like a picture 2024-04-03 20:13:11
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