
How to choose the type of outdoor furniture?

Cold winter fog
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1、 Permanent fixed type
For example, wooden pavilions, tent solid wood tables and chairs, iron wood tables and chairs, etc. Generally, this kind of furniture should be made of high-quality wood, which has excellent antiseptic property and heavy weight. It should be kept in the wild for a long time.
2、 Movable
For example, Saiteng table chairs, Teslin chairs, folding wooden tables and chairs, sun umbrellas, etc. When you use it, you can put it in the wild. When you don't need it, you can put it in the room. Therefore, this kind of furniture is more comfortable and practical. You don't need to consider so many functions of consolidation and corrosion prevention. You can also add some cloth art as decorations according to your personal preferences.
3、 Portable
For example, small tables, dining chairs and parasols are generally made of aluminum alloy or canvas, which are light in weight and easy to carry. They are suitable for outdoor travel, play and fishing. It is better to bring some outdoor equipment, such as barbecue grills and tents, to add much fun to outdoor travel.

Cold winter fog 2023-10-09 07:21:59
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