
Can durian jelly be eaten when it is hard?

Favorable reply

Durian meat jelly can be eaten when it is hard, but its taste may be affected. Durian jelly is made of durian pulp and gelatin. When the gelatin is cooled, it will solidify and harden the durian jelly. If the durian jelly is stored in the refrigerator for too long or the temperature is too low, it will become harder. This will make the durian meat jelly taste harder, not soft and smooth enough.

If you like the soft taste of durian meat jelly, it is recommended to leave it at room temperature for 15-20 minutes before eating, and let it return to room temperature, so that it will become softer. If you like hard taste, you can eat it directly.

It should be noted that if the durian jelly deteriorates or becomes moldy, it can no longer be eaten. If you find that durian jelly has peculiar smell or black spots, you should discard it to avoid affecting your health.

Struggle 2024-04-01 12:53:55
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