
What's the benefit of drying your back?

The clouds are light and the wind is clear
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There are several benefits of drying the back:

1. Supplement vitamin D: tanning the back can make the body absorb more sunlight, thus helping the body to synthesize vitamin D. Vitamin D is very important for the health of human bones and teeth. It can help to absorb and utilize calcium, thus preventing osteoporosis and other diseases.

2. Improve mood: tanning the back can promote the release of neurotransmitters such as endorphin and serotonin from the body, thus helping to improve mood, relieve stress, anxiety and other bad emotions.

3. Improve skin problems: tanning can help improve skin problems, such as acne, eczema, psoriasis, etc. Ultraviolet rays in the sun can promote the metabolism of skin cells, thus reducing the occurrence of skin problems.

4. Promote blood circulation: drying the back can promote blood circulation, so as to help the body better transport oxygen and nutrients to all parts of the body, and enhance the body's immunity and resistance.

It should be noted that the time and intensity of sunburn should be appropriate to avoid excessive sunburn and skin cancer. While drying your back, you should pay attention to sunscreen and water supplement to avoid dry and aging skin.

The clouds are light and the wind is clear 2024-04-06 21:30:22
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