
What is the kitchen waste processor? How is the kitchen waste processor handled

Lone ranger
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The kitchen waste processor is a kind of equipment used to treat organic waste generated in the kitchen. It is usually installed in the sewer of the kitchen to quickly crush organic wastes such as food residues, fruit peels, vegetable leaves, etc. into small particles, and then discharge them through the sewer to the sewage treatment plant for treatment.

The working principle of the kitchen waste processor is to cut the kitchen waste into fine particles through a high-speed rotating blade, and then mix it with water to form a dense slurry. The mud will be sent to the sewer and then sent to the sewage treatment plant for treatment.

The advantage of kitchen waste disposal is that it can reduce waste production, reduce waste disposal costs, and reduce environmental pollution. In addition, it can also reduce the risk of sewer blockage, because it can quickly dispose of organic substances such as food residues to prevent them from forming blockage in the sewer.

Lone ranger 2024-04-04 17:10:13
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