
How to select honey? How to select honey

Plum orchid, bamboo and chrysanthemum
Favorable reply

1. Color: Good honey is transparent and golden or light yellow. Do not choose honey with too deep color, because it may be added with syrup or other impurities.

2. Purity: Purity is one of the important factors in selecting honey. Pure honey should not be mixed with other ingredients, such as syrup or water. The purity of honey can be judged by observing the degree of crystallization. Honey with high purity crystallizes slowly.

3. Fragrance: good honey should have a natural flavor, rather than artificial spices. You can smell the smell of honey. If there is a pungent smell, the honey may not be very fresh.

4. Taste: Good honey should have a unique sweet taste, not too sweet or too sour. You can taste a spoonful of honey. If it has a bitter taste or other strange taste, the honey may not be very good.

5. Brand: honey of well-known brands can ensure its quality and safety. You can view the production date and shelf life of honey and select fresh honey.

In a word, in order to ensure the quality and safety of honey, it is necessary to pay attention to the purity, color, flavor, taste, brand and other factors when selecting good honey.

Plum orchid, bamboo and chrysanthemum 2024-04-06 12:43:47
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