
Taboos to drink boiled water from yellow peel leaves?

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Huangpi Leaf is a kind of traditional Chinese medicine, which is often used to treat cold, cough, sore throat and other symptoms. However, there are also some taboos for yellow leaves, which should be noted:

1. Prohibited for pregnant women: The yellow leaf has a astringent effect, which is easy to cause uterine contraction and has an impact on the fetus, so pregnant women should avoid using it.

2. Prohibited for nursing mothers: The yellow peel leaf has convergence effect and is easy to affect the milk secretion, so it should be avoided for nursing mothers.

3. Caution for those with spleen and stomach deficiency: Yellow bark leaf has astringent effect, which is easy to cause cold spleen and stomach, resulting in indigestion, diarrhea and other symptoms, so those with spleen and stomach deficiency should be cautious.

4. Caution for those with insufficient liver and kidney: The yellow leaf has a astringent effect, which is easy to cause liver and kidney insufficiency, dizziness, fatigue and other symptoms. Therefore, those with insufficient liver and kidney should use it with caution.

5. Patients with hypertension should use it with caution: The yellow leaf has a astringent effect and is easy to cause blood pressure rise, so patients with hypertension should use it with caution.

In a word, when using yellow leaves, you should choose carefully according to your own situation to avoid unnecessary risks. If in doubt, consult your doctor or pharmacist for advice.

Whatever I want 2024-04-03 21:32:32
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