
What kind of food should you pay attention to when you sit in the month on dog days?

Misty rain passers-by
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Three dog days refer to three "dog days" or "dog days" in summer, usually between the middle of July and the middle of August every year. Due to the high temperature and humidity, the human body is prone to perspiration, so it is necessary to pay special attention to diet in the dog days to avoid heatstroke, dehydration and other problems.

The following are the diet that should be paid attention to in the dog days:

1. Drink more water: because the temperature is high in the dog days, the human body is prone to sweat, so you need to drink more water to supplement the body's moisture and prevent dehydration. It is recommended to drink 8-10 cups of water every day. You can choose to drink cold drinks such as boiled water, herbal tea, mung bean soup, etc.

2. Eating light and digestible food: It's warm in the dog days, and the human digestive system is relatively weak, so you need to choose light and digestible food, such as porridge, noodles, vegetables, etc. At the same time, avoid eating spicy, greasy and stimulating food to avoid indigestion.

3. Supplemental nutrition: during confinement, sufficient nutrition shall be supplemented to promote the recovery of the body. Choose foods rich in protein, vitamins and minerals, such as chicken, fish, tofu, vegetables, etc.

4. Avoid raw and cold food: The temperature is high in dog days, and the human body is prone to sweat. Therefore, it is necessary to avoid eating raw and cold food, such as raw fish slices, oysters, cold drinks, etc., to avoid diarrhea, stomach pain and other problems.

5. Pay attention to hygiene: During confinement in dog days, pay attention to food hygiene, and avoid eating expired food, unclean food, etc. At the same time, pay attention to personal hygiene, keep the room clean and ventilated, and avoid infection with germs.

In a word, it is necessary to pay attention to the light diet, easy digestion, drinking more water, supplementing nutrition, avoiding eating raw and cold food and stimulating food, and paying attention to food hygiene and personal hygiene to ensure health.

Misty rain passers-by 2024-04-04 16:03:25
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