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How to authenticate the elderly subsidy to others

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How to authenticate the elderly subsidy to others


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  • 2023-11-14 19:00:07

    Methods and steps for certification of old-age subsidy:

    1. The elderly who apply for old-age allowance shall report to the community (village) committee in person or entrust others in June and December of each year. Fill in the application form as required, and provide the household register, ID card and recent color inch photo.

    2. The community (village) committee shall conduct preliminary review within 5 working days after receiving the application form. Put forward the preliminary review opinions, which shall be sealed by the local police station, and then hand over the application materials to the street/township civil affairs office (the elderly office).

    3. The sub district/township civil affairs office (aging office) shall review the materials, adjust the review opinions, and hand over the materials to the superior unit.

    4. With the approval of the superior unit, the eligible elderly can enjoy the old-age allowance monthly. If they do not meet the conditions, the materials shall be returned.

    How to authenticate the elderly subsidy to others

    1. Open the WeChat app on your mobile phone, search the aging platform of your province and city, and click to enter

    2. Click on the mass entrance to provide comprehensive services

    3. Click subsidy application

    4. Click the qualified button to start processing

    5. Select your city

    6. Click to upload the ID card: online authentication of elderly subsidy is completed.


    2023-11-14 19:00:07

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